Saturday, July 21, 2012

Carver Days

Last weekend we went to the George Washington Carver National Monument for Carver Day's.  It was hot and sticky, but we did a whole bunch of stuff to get a Junior Ranger badge.  We had to find out information from other people about the Fort Scott National Monument, find out what was unique about Wildcat Glades Center,  ask the Missouri Department of Conservation people why fire is important to a prairie, paint a picture, make a card by hitting flower petals with a rock to get the natural color off of it, label a drawing of a peanut plant, and research some dates in the cemetery.  Elena didn't really want to do it, but Mom  made her. When we had all of it done, we turned in our papers to a park official and we got our first ever Junior Ranger badges. I felt tired but proud. Later I saw a girl at the park wearing a vest COVERED with badges from all over the U.S., so now I've decided to try to get a Junior Ranger badge wherever I can! -- Sophie

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